My name is Lisa Borkowski. I am the owner of Busy Bodies.  I have been teaching parent/child classes through the parks and recreation department for 16 years.  I opened up Busy Bodies in 2005, to offer a variety of classes and activities for people of all ages. We offer many types of classes to encourage different skills.  We have a parents night out program once a month,  as well as themed parties.  During the summer and holidays, we offer a variety of inexpensive and fun camps.  My specialty is the toddler age.  I believe my program is  the perfect combination of fine motor,  and gross motor coordination , with a bit of socialization added to it. I believe strongly in the importance of parent/child bonding time. Come play with us!!!

Feel Free to call or text me if you have any questions or concerns! 


Thank you

Contact Us


 Busy Bodies Studio

1400 Scott Lake Rd. Suite I

CAI Building 

5640 Williams Lk. Rd. Waterford, MI


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